Create a database in your hosting account, make sure that the user has the appropriate privelages'
Unzip the package and upload all files to your server, make sure that all files were uploaded
Make sure the chmd/permissions to all files and folders are correct (normally folders set to 775 and files set to 664 is fine)
The following files and directories must be writeable (775 or 777)
/app/chatlogs/ (must be set to 777 for the chatbox to work)
If you uploaded to a subfolder make sure to edit the .htaccess
#Make sure RewriteBase points to the directory where you installed SpreeTv.
#Remove the # from #RewriteBase if you installed SpreeTv in a subfolder.
#Example: RewriteBase /movie if your installation is in a folder named movie.
*Optional for sitemap* The following Cron Jobs need to be added for the sitemap to function properly:
0 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f YOUR SERVERS ROOT PATH/app/controller/tasks/sitemap.php &> /dev/null
OR it can be run from Easy Cron with the following URL:
YOUR SITES URL/app/controller/tasks/sitemap.php
If you get a 500 error when trying to install make sure that all files were uploaded especially the .htaccess and if you installed into a subfolder to edit the .htaccess and that the chmd/permissions to all files and folders are set correctly
Go to YOUR SITES URL/install and run the installer, make sure that there are no errors and continue with the install
Enter your database info and finish the installation
Success! SpreeTv is now installed and a temporary admin user was created
Email: [email protected]
Password: admin
Don't forget to change your admin user information
Delete the install and upgrade folders from your server
Installation is now complete, enjoy!
PHP 7.2+
allow_url_fopen On
cURL 7.19.4+
mbstring On
Ability to Chmod 777 folders
If you can't Chmod 777 for host reasons then disable chatbox
MySQL database
Basic knowledge of executing SQL for upgrades
OneSignal API key for OneSignal support
TMDb API key for importing movies and shows
*Optional* Cron Jobs for the sitemap and RSS Feeds